berseem clover scientific name

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berseem clover scientific name

Berseem clover, also known as Egyptian clover, is a valuable cool-season legume (a member of the pea family) prized for its agricultural versatility. Berseem clover scientific name is Trifolium alexandrinum, and this unique plant offers a range of benefits, making it a popular choice for farmers and gardeners alike.

This comprehensive guide delves deep into the world of berseem clover as cover crop, covering its scientific classification (Trifolium alexandrinum), impressive list of benefits, and best cultivation practices.

Unveiling the Scientific Name: Trifolium alexandrinum

The Berseem clover scientific name is Trifolium alexandrinum. Let's break it down:

  • Trifolium: derives its name from the Latin words "tres" (three) and "folium" (leaf), which refer to the distinctive three leaves found on most clover species.

  • Alexandrinum: This epithet most likely refers to Alexandria, Egypt, where Berseem clover cultivation has flourished for centuries. .

Therefore, Trifolium alexandrinum literally translates to "three-leaved clover of Alexandria." 

All you need know about Berseem Clover Balady  and Read More: how fast does clover grow?

Benefits of Berseem Clover

Berseem clover provides numerous agricultural benefits. Let us look at some of the major advantages:

As a Forage Crop

Berseem clover is a highly nutritious forage crop. It makes excellent grazing material for livestock due to:

  • High protein content: Important for the growth and development of animals..

  • Palatability: Berseemm clover is easy for animals to consume..

  • Fast growth: Berseem clover gives rise to multiple cuttings throughout the year,.

  • Winter hardiness: Berseem clover can tolerate colder temperatures in some areas, making it an excellent winter forage..

Nitrogen Fixation

Berseem clover, like other legumes, has an impressive ability to fix nitrogen from the atmosphere. Nitrogen is an important nutrient for plant growth, and berseem clover enriches the soil, benefiting future crops grown in the same area.

Green Manure

Berseem clover makes excellent green manure because of its rapid growth and nitrogen-fixing abilities. Green manure is a cover crop that is tilled back into the soil before flowering. This practice adds organic matter to the soil, increases fertility, and aids in weed control.

Erosion Control

Berseem clover's extensive root system helps to prevent soil erosion, which is especially useful on slopes or in exposed areas.

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Growing Berseem Clover

Here's a helpful guide for growing Berseem clover:

Planting and Seeding

  1. Berseem clover thrives in cool-weather climates.  It is usually planted in late summer or early fall, allowing for establishment before winter arrives.
  2. Sow Berseem clover seeds shallowly, no deeper than ¼ inch.
  3. Seeding rate: The recommended seeding rate ranges from 15-20 pounds per acre.

Growing Conditions

  • Sunlight: Berseem clover prefers full sun but can tolerate some shade.

  • Soil: A well-drained loam soil with a pH range of 5.0 to 7.8 is ideal.

  • Watering: Regular watering is beneficial to Berseem clover, particularly during establishment and dry periods.


  • Harvesting time: Berseem clover can be harvested multiple times during the growing season, usually when the plants reach a height of 12-18 inches.

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Berseem clover (Trifolium alexandrinum) is a valuable component of any agricultural system. Its impressive list of advantages, including its use as a nutritious forage crop, nitrogen fixer, green manure, and erosion control tool, make it an adaptable and sustainable choice. By understanding the berseem clover scientific name and its specific growing requirements, farmers and gardeners can unlock the full potential of this remarkable plant.  Incorporating berseem clover (Trifolium alexandrinum) into your agricultural practices can provide numerous benefits to your soil, livestock, and overall farming operation. This versatile and hardy clover provides a long-term solution for increasing forage production, improving soil fertility, and promoting soil health. With the right knowledge and planning, you can successfully cultivate berseem clover and enjoy the benefits it can bring to your land in our blog. you can call with Dr. Mahdy Best seller of Egyptian Berseem Clover seeds for cover crops.

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